Available courses

This is a support hub with materials created by students for students in the areas of Language and Literature.

Cambridge IGCSE History offers the opportunity to study world history from the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century. It encourages learners to raise questions and to develop and deploy historical skills, knowledge and understanding in order to provide historical explanations. Learners will explore history from a diversity of perspectives, including social, economic, cultural and political. The course emphasizes the importance of encouraging you to think historically and to develop historical skills, as well as gaining factual knowledge. It puts a premium on developing the skills of critical thinking, and on developing an understanding of multiple interpretations of history. In this way, the course involves a challenging and demanding critical exploration of the past. 

Hello CPE Students!

In this space you will find important materials for our course and for your preparation toward the CPE examination. Should you have any suggestions of items you would like to see on this page, please do not hesitate to contact Xismara at xismara@ish.co.cu

The IB Diploma Programme (DP) history course is a 20th Century world history course based on a comparative and multi-perspective approach to the subject. It involves the study of a variety of types of history, including political, economic, social and cultural history. There is a balance of structure and flexibility so that students have some choices over the direction of their studies. The course emphasizes the importance of encouraging you to think historically and to develop historical skills, as well as gaining factual knowledge. It puts a premium on developing the skills of critical thinking, and on developing an understanding of multiple interpretations of history. In this way, the course involves a challenging and demanding critical exploration of the past.

Hello everyone! Welcome to our Learning Support Secondary Course!

The aim of the Learning Support services is to help the student reach his/her full potential as a confident and independent learner so that he/she can make the greatest progress in developing academic skills and knowledge needed to be successful in the mainstream.

We will provide Curriculum support delivered in one-on-one or in small group settings aimed at teaching or reinforcing the knowledge and academic skills required to be successful in a mainstream subject. We will also provide Skill development sessions aimed at developing cognitive skills, organizational skills, language processing skills, reading and writing skills, among others.

Hello everyone! Welcome to our Learning Support Primary Course!

The aim of the Learning Support services is to help the student reach his/her full potential as a confident and independent learner so that he/she can make the greatest progress in developing academic skills and knowledge needed to be successful in the mainstream.

We will provide Curriculum support delivered in one-on-one or in small group sessions aimed at teaching or reinforcing the knowledge and academic skills required to be successfull in a mainstream subject. We will also provide Skill development sessions aimed at developing cognitive skills, sensory integration skills, fine or gross motor skills, and/or organizational skills.

IGCSE Spanish Foreign Language (beginner) course is addressed to students with no or very little experience in the target language. It is an introduction to Spanish and aims, mainly, to provide basic vocabulary and simple structures for students to communicate clearly and effectively in familiar contexts. This course is predominantly skills-based, with grammar, vocabulary and culture components; and it is designed to provide the students with the acquisition of a new language at the same time that it prepares them to meet the requirements of the IGCSE exams.

This course also aims to offer insights into the culture of countries where Spanish is spoken, thus encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of other languages.

IGCSE French Foreign Language is a two-year language acquisition course designed for students who are learning French as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies.

Welcome to your French Foreign Language course! Here you will continue developing your command of spoken and written French. You will also learn about the Francophone cultures of the world and you will have opportunities to lead and be creative! Enjoy the learning journey!

Welcome to ISH all new students and families!

Young people face unprecedented challenges in an interconnected and information-heavy world, not least in how you will gain a sense of your own active place in the world and cope with changes that will impact on your life chances and life choices.  You will have opportunities to acquire and apply a range of skills to support you in these challenges, including:

  • researching, analysing and evaluating information

  • developing and justifying a line of reasoning

  • reflecting on processes and outcomes

  • communicating information and reasoning

  • collaborating to achieve a common outcome.

    You will explore stimulating topics that have global significance. You will learn to collaborate with others from other cultures, communities or countries. You will assess information critically and explore lines of reasoning. You will learn to direct your own learning and develop an independence of thought.

    Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives emphasises the development and application of skills rather than the acquisition of knowledge. You will develop transferable skills that will be useful for further study and for young people as active citizens of the future.

We have developed a series of helpful workshops focused on improving the community's wellbeing and tackling stress, specially during Covid times. They are designed to help parents/caregivers support their children.

Links to useful articles on the web and other resources to facilitate knowledge appropriation will be also shared.

The Spanish Foreign Language course affords students the opportunity to develop the language skills necessary to communicate in Spanish in everyday life situations. They learn simple and complex language structures and vocabulary to communicate effectively in a range of familiar and some unfamiliar situations. This course is predominantly skills-based, but it also encourages positive attitudes toward language learning and international communication, so that students learn to appreciate Hispanic cultures and find connections with their own.

This is an optional course for anyone who is interested, with lots of ideas on how to stay well, calm, and centred.  If you have an idea for something that you don't see here already, please send a message and we can work out a solution together.

This is our new official e-SLIP page!

We will share resources, have conversations and make decisions using this page. 

Welcome to the Introduction to CAS course, We will be reviewing what CAS means at ISH and how you can start thinking about what you may want to do next year in IB


Over the final weeks of school this term, take some time to read, relax and chat with other book lovers at ISH. We will meet a couple times via video chat before the end of the year. It will be an informal and 'after school' way to meet with your friends and talk books.

just about to graduate

<p> Welcome! In this course we want to help you to express yourself creatively through your writing! There are no rules or regulations; the possibilities are endless. You can join our reading meetings or submit your work as you wish, anonymously or publicly. We hope to be able to give you tips and tricks to help you through your creative process, but always remember: this is your experience and yours only! No grades, and no obbligations, just writing :)

Just to play around with options

This course is intended for students who excel in the subject of Math and, thus, receive differentiated enrichment as part of their individualized Highly Able and Talented provision. 
These online tasks are particularly aimed at enriching students' problem-solving, critical and analogical reasoning skills through a series of challenges which will hopefully be also fun.

This program is intended to develop mathematical knowledge and skills in a way that provides satisfaction and enjoyment. Students are encouraged to apply mathematics in everyday situations, and develop an understanding of the part which mathematics plays in the world around them. This is done through language-rich questions. The program promotes positive attitudes towards the subject, and helps students to increasingly make connections between mathematics and other disciplines.

Welcome students to our Grade 6A Advisory page. Here you will find the link to our BBB sessions. We will also post all the required information. 

Welcome to Secondary School and welcome to your Spanish Foreign Language course! You will enjoy communicating in Spanish and becoming familiar with the cultures of countries where Spanish is spoken. You will listen, read, speak and write in Spanish for different purposes and you will thereby expand your command of the Spanish language. Enjoy your learning journey!

Learn basic theater principles in stage movement, voice, diction, and pantomime. Study the history and vocabulary of theater. Practice techniques to overcome stage-fright and develop self-confidence. Concentrate on improvisational techniques and acting skills for in-class performance and video projects.
Write original scenes as well as acting skills for in-class performance and video projects. Write original scenes as well as act in established scenes.
Develop oral interpretation skills. 

Hello! This is the study skills class for 6B, with Ms Bethan!

In ICT students will deepen their understanding of different digital resources that are part of their academic and everyday lives. They will develop skills that will aid them in the research and presentation of information as well as the development of their creative and problem-solving abilities. ICT takes on a practical approach to the understanding of digital resources and is developed around different projects that coincide with the different units of the course and that allow students to demonstrate their understanding and abilities. These projects serve as the student’s main form of evaluation. We work with image editing and design software, coding applications, online resources, text editors, game design software, modeling software to produce posters, edited photographs, digital paintings, image compositions, stylized documents, publications, presentations, graphs, charts, games, websites, 3d models and edited videos.

This is a series of extra work that can be completed over the April Break. This work will not be assessed by subject teachers but Ms. Jasmine can provide feedback if you wish.

The grade 6 music course is designed to enhance music skills and basic music fundamentals. The essential aspect of melody, harmony, rhythm and form are studied. Throughout the course of the year students will study basic music elements, the pulse, the pitch, timbre and dynamics, notation level 1and 2, main music symbols, rhythm and melody, scales, tones and semitones, intervals and building with sounds. Aural dictation and ear training are also an integral part of the course and will be taught throughout the year. Individual creativity is nurtured through both rhythmic and melody compositions. Musical skills will be developed through listening exercises, sight –singing, written exercises, analysis, singing and an exposure to a variety of musical styles.

This course provides students with opportunities to acquire knowledge related to team and individual sports such as: athletics, tennis, basketball, soccer, swimming. Grade 6 students will be also able to develop their physical fitness and acquire knowledge of health-related fitness throughout their participation in this course.

This course has been designed to contain the fundamental notions of the subject of ICT for grades 6,7 and 8 students. 

Grade 6 First Language students start to develop literacy skills in language and literature. They study fiction prose, drama, and poetry. They begin to build their awareness of global issues and the impact of culture and context on texts. Students will focus on key literacy skills such as inferring and deducing, sentence structures and punctuation, effective word choices and how to plan and structure a range of different texts.

The EAL program for the students in Grades 6 is designed to assist students whose first language is not English, to develop English language competence in the modes of Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening. Students are provided with a range of opportunities to expand their linguistic repertoires in a safe and respectful environment where everybody’s contributions are welcomed.  While they develop these skills they will be exposed to the acquisition and expansion of vocabulary and grammar rules.

Through learning EAL, students build their capacity to communicate confidently and effectively. This learning also strengthens their understanding of the nature of language and culture, and the way that language changes according to purpose, form and audience. By learning to use and adapt language according to specific contexts, EAL learners build relationships with their peers and the wider world around them. The study of EAL equips students with the skills to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers.

French Foreign Language Course is intended for beginners.  

Welcome to Science 6!! Here is where you will find your daily/weekly lessons and assignments.  Be sure to check in here every scheduled lesson to see the plan for the week and the day.

This programme develops mathematical reasoning through a balanced approach using concept development, skill acquisition and applications. The major strategy of this programme is using a process of inquiry, in which students develop a systematic method for exploring new problems in unfamiliar situations. The course focuses on modelling real situations into mathematical language by means of word problems. Besides basic skills development, the course focuses on acquiring strategies to solve different types of mathematical problems.

Grade 7 English students continue to build on the work done in Grade 6 in literacy skills in English. They study non-fiction and fiction prose, drama, media texts and poetry. They begin to build their awareness of global issues and the impact of culture and context on texts. Students will focus on key literacy skills such as inferring and deducing, sentence structures and punctuation, effective word choices and how to plan and structure a range of different texts.

Drama is a dynamic, collaborative and live art form. It is a practical subject that encourages discovery through experimentation, the taking of risks and the presentation of ideas to others. It results in the development of both theatre and life skills; the building of confidence, creativity and working collaboratively.


●  Create and present art

●  Develop skills specific to the discipline

●  Engage in a process of creative exploration and (self)-discovery

●  Make purposeful connection between investigation and practice

●  Understand the relationship between art and its contexts

●  Respond and reflect on art

●  Deepen their understanding of the world

The course is designed around three central themes: 1. Information, 2. Creativity, and 3. Digital Citizenship. The main objectives of each of them is different although they intentionally collide. For Information themed units, the objective is for students to develop communication competencies through digital means and to understand how to use digital resources to search for, present, verify, and validate information. For Creativity units, the objective is for students to utilize digital resources to create, express, design, and transform. Lastly, in the Digital citizenship themed unit, students are to develop a practical understanding of online safety, digital etiquette and decorum, and virtual responsibility. 

This is your online Science course for the year 2022-2023



Welcome to your advisory pages. 

This is a great chance to share information and ideas about grade 7 and how it's going; to keep in touch with each other and discuss important issues, and to have some fun. 

Keep an eye on the announcements and make sure you post your responses to forums or surveys!

Grade 7 students will perform movement skills in the kind of combinations that are required in a variety of modified games, such as: locomotion/traveling and hopping in combination, manipulation and stability (e.g., running and jumping and landing, as in long jump). Besides, they will describe healthy eating, growth and development, personal safety and injury prevention.

The grade 7 music course is designed to enhance music skills and basic music fundamentals. The essential aspect of the instruments in the orchestra, their function helps the students to develop the skills to understand the language of music. Throughout the course of the year students will study the main instruments families, simples and compound time signatures, notation level 1and 2, main music symbols to enhance their abilities reading and writing rhythms and melodies, The Opera and the musicals, characteristics and main composers.  Aural dictation and ear training are also an integral part of the course and will be taught throughout the year. Individual creativity is nurtured through both rhythmic and melody compositions. Musical skills will be developed through listening exercises, sight –singing, written exercises, analysis, singing and an exposure to a variety of musical styles.

The MS Visual Arts program in Grade 7 is focused on the development of creative thinking and expression. Students will experience different aspects of drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, mixed media, and digital art. Students peer assess, self-assess and reflect regularly throughout the course. They work in groups, pairs and individually, and participate regularly in discussions linking to core classes, community, and service whenever possible. Students are encouraged to participate in art challenges and competitions. The visual arts assessment consists of both the finished products (Studio Work) and the process of artistic investigation and development (Art Journal and Blog). This two-part assessment, Studio Work and the Art Journal, is standard in middle school and high school art classes.

The MS Visual Arts program in Grade 7 is focused on the development of artistic skills and a creative visual spatial view of problem-solving skills. 

Throughout the year, we will be studying colours once again and using them to create compositions where harmony is the key element. We will also be revisiting perspective and building on what we studied previously by incorporating two and three points of perspective. we will study layouts, composition, balance, and the use of positive and negative spaces. we will study pop art and how to make posters. we will even be taking our art to the 3d form with the study of sculptures.  

However, our most ambitious unit of the year will be Portraits. in this unit we will be combining many of the different skills we have studied before in the creation of portraits following different styles. 

This course provides students with opportunities to improve physical fitness, acquire knowledge of health-related fitness concepts, and practice positive personal and social skills. This course will also provide the grade 7 students with opportunities to learn/develop /master the skills needed in team and individual sports such as: athletics, tennis, basketball, soccer, swimming.

This course is created for French Foreign Language Beginners. You will discover the language and french culture. 

The Grade 8 EAL intermediate/advanced course is addressed to students whose first language is not English by developing linguistic competence in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing skills. Students are exposed to a range of opportunities where their linguistic repertoire may be enhanced in a safe and constructive environment. Skill-building opportunities are also supported through the awareness and acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical rules.

Through learning, EAL students build their capacity to communicate confidently and effectively while strengthening their understanding of the nature of English language and culture, as well as the need to tailor message according to purpose, form and audience.

This course focuses on six content areas: Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measure, Handling data
and Problem solving which provides a structure for the application of mathematical skills. They all form a progressive step preparing students for entry onto IGCSE level courses. The areas to study range from  principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships so that the students can apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a full understanding of the subject.

Welcome to your G8 Science course!

The Far Side | Rocket Scientists © Gary Larson | The far side, Rocket  scientist, Gary larson cartoons

Grade 8 Spanish First Language students are afforded the opportunity to build on the work done in Grade 7 in literacy skills in this language. They study non-fiction and fiction prose, drama, media texts and poetry. They begin to build their ability to read critically and question perspectives, voices and bias in texts.  They also begin to consider the importance of context on the production of both literary and non-literary texts (such as adverts and writing in the media). Students will focus on key literacy skills such as inferring and deducing, using structures and vocabulary to achieve effects, and critical reading.

This course serves as an in-depth introduction to the craft of acting. All students will be introduced to beginning acting techniques to develop, define, and practice the artistic expression with technical proficiency. Students will learn to use the voice and body as instruments of self-expression and communication in performance and will develop their mental, physical and vocal flexibility. Students will be challenged to expand their expressive potential as they exercise body, voice and imagination through improvisation, acting with words, acting without words, ensemble work, characterization, experimentation, acting exercises, and monologues.

In ICT students will deepen their understanding of different digital resources that are part of their academic and everyday lives. They will develop skills that will aid them in the research and presentation of information as well as the development of their creative and problem-solving abilities. ICT takes on a practical approach to the understanding of digital resources and is developed around different projects that coincide with the different units of the course and that allow students to demonstrate their understanding and abilities. These projects serve as the student’s main form of evaluation. We work with image editing and design software, coding applications, online resources, text editors, game design software, modeling software to produce posters, edited photographs, digital paintings, image compositions, stylized documents, publications, presentations, graphs, charts, games, websites, 3d models and edited videos.

En este curso de primera lengua, los estudiantes desarrollarán sus habilidades de comprensión lectora, expresión escrita con diferentes fines de comunicación y la apreciación literaria. 

This is a series of extra work that can be completed over the April Break. This work will not be assessed by subject teachers but Ms. Jasmine can provide feedback if you wish.

The purpose of this course is to promote the development and maintenance of personal fitness. Course content includes knowledge of personal fitness, fitness assessment and regular physical activity based on the value and benefits of exercise in daily living. In addition to setting and working toward personal fitness goals, students have opportunities to practice positive social skills as they gain understanding of how a healthy lifestyle affects their quality of life. Also, this course will provide opportunities to learn/develop /master the skills needed in team and idividual sports such as: athletics, tennis, basketball, soccer, swimming.


A partir del análisis y la interpretación de textos seleccionados, conocerán las características del género narrativo, cómo se crea una historia y qué visión del mundo presentan.

Reflexión sobre las diferentes dimensiones de la experiencia humana, propia y ajena, a partir de la lectura de obras literarias y otros textos que forman parte de nuestras herencias culturales, abordando los temas  y obras sugeridos para el curso.

Autores: Horacio Quiroga, Onelio J. Cardoso, Ana María Matute, José B Adolph, etc.

The grade 8 music course is designed to enhance music skills and basic music fundamentals. Throughout the course of the year students will study the functions and order of the sharps and flats in order to identify the Key signatures both, Majors and minors. They will continue putting into practice the main music symbols and basic music elements. The course will provide the students to develop a comprehensive awareness, appreciation and understanding of the Musical styles and composer’s life. Aural dictation and ear training are also an integral part of the course and will be taught throughout the year. Individual creativity is nurtured through both rhythmic and melody compositions. Musical skills will be developed through listening exercises, sight –singing, written exercises, analysis, singing and an exposure to a variety of musical styles and forms.
In this course French Foreign Language students will find activities and resources to help them develop their four skills in the language. 

The MS Visual Arts program in Grade 8 is focused on the development of creative thinking and expression. Students will experience different aspects of drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, mixed media, and digital art. Students peer assess, self-assess and reflect regularly throughout the course. They work in groups, pairs, and individually, and participate regularly in discussions linking to core classes, community, and service whenever possible. Students are encouraged to participate in weekly art challenges and art competitions. The visual arts assessment consists of both the finished products (Studio Work) and the process of artistic investigation and development (Art Journal and Blog). This two-part assessment, Studio Work and the Art Journal, is standard in middle school and high school art classes.

This programme enables students to develop generalisations of mathematical ideas and methods through exploration of applications, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning. The programme asks students to investigate relationships within mathematics and between mathematics and other subjects. Students will engage in problem solving strategies to extend core learning to a level that will deepen their mathematical knowledge and enrich their understanding.

IGCSE Computer Science (CS) provides an ideal foundation in computer science. Learners gain confidence in computational thinking and programming, an appreciation of automated and emerging technologies and the benefits of their use. They develop an understanding of the main principles of problem-solving by creating computer-based solutions using algorithms and a high-level programming language.

CS is a practical subject and a range of practical exercises must be integral to the teaching of this qualification. The learners will develop their computational thinking skills by doing practical problem solving and programming using appropriate resources. It is also expected that learners have the opportunity in class to write their own programs, as well as executing (running), testing and debugging them.

The aims are to enable students to develop:

  • computational thinking skills
  • an understanding of the main principles of solving problems using computers
  • the skills necessary to solve computer-based problems using a high-level programming language
  • an understanding of the component parts of computer systems and how they interrelate
  • an understanding of the internet as a means of communication and its associated risks
  • an understanding of the development and use of automated and emerging technologies.

IGCSE Computer Science encourages learners to be:

  • confident, interested in learning about computer science and using technical language to communicate their knowledge and understanding
  • responsible, working systematically, safely and securely when using technology
  • reflective, learning from their experiences when creating programs and using technology; understanding how technology impacts society
  • innovative, solving unfamiliar problems and designing computer programs creatively and independently
  • engaged, keen to develop computer science skills and further their understanding of developments in the use of technology.

This course encourages you to become more aware of global problems. It offers you opportunities to explore issues you are interested in; to work independently and to research on your own. It also gives you the chance to build your team-working skills of collaboration and co-operation as you work with others to explore solutions to local issues. The course is not about getting everybody to think identically; it is about finding out what others think and feel about the global issues of today, reflecting on different perspectives and taking others’ ideas into consideration. 

Course Outline

This course is designed to promote the development  of personal fitness. Course content includes knowledge of all the elements of personal fitness, fitness assessment and regular physical activity based on the value and benefits of exercise for daily living. In addition, to setting and working toward personal fitness goals, students have opportunities to practice positive social skills as they gain understanding of how a healthy lifestyle affects their quality of life.

Course Objectives

Students will be able to:

Engage in regular physical activity, develop a personal level of physical fitness and enough knowledge to allow the pupil to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle and encourage life-long participation.

Describe the functions of the skeleton and joints

Describe the structure, function and location of the main muscles in the human body

Explain the structure and functioning of the respiratory system

Explain different types of motivation and mental preparation

Differentiate different types of Physique and their relationship to certain sports

Identify different types of drugs and their effect on performance


Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences gives learners the opportunity to study biology, chemistry and physics within a scientifically coherent syllabus and is accepted by universities and employers as proof of essential knowledge and ability.

As well as a subject focus, the Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences syllabus encourages learners to develop:

  • a better understanding of the technological world, with an informed interest in scientific matters

  • a recognition of the usefulness (and limitations) of scientific method, and how to apply this to other disciplines and in everyday life

  • relevant attitudes, such as a concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and inventiveness

  • an interest in, and care for, the environment

  • a better understanding of the influence and limitations placed on scientific study by society, economy, technology, ethics, the community and the environment

  • an understanding of the scientific skills essential for both further study and everyday life.

Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences gives learners the opportunity to study biology, chemistry and physics within a scientifically coherent syllabus and is accepted by universities and employers as proof of essential knowledge and ability.

As well as a subject focus, the Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences syllabus encourages learners to develop:

  • a better understanding of the technological world, with an informed interest in scientific matters

  • a recognition of the usefulness (and limitations) of scientific method, and how to apply this to other disciplines and in everyday life

  • relevant attitudes, such as a concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and inventiveness

  • an interest in, and care for, the environment

  • a better understanding of the influence and limitations placed on scientific study by society, economy, technology, ethics, the community and the environment

  • an understanding of the scientific skills essential for both further study and everyday life.

IGCSE Spanish Foreign Language is a two-year programme designed for students who are learning Spanish as a foreign language with some or very limited previous experience in the target language. The aim is to develop the ability to communicate effectively for practical, social and academic purposes. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies.

The course also aims to offer insights into the culture of countries where Spanish is spoken, thus encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of other languages.

Cambridge International prepares school students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. We are part of the University of Cambridge.
Our Cambridge Pathway gives students a clear path for educational success from age 5 to 19. Schools can shape the curriculum around how they want students to learn – with a wide range of subjects and flexible ways to offer them. It helps students discover new abilities and a wider world, and gives them the skills they need for life, so they can achieve at school, university and work.
Our programmes and qualifications set the global standard for international education. They are created by subject experts, rooted in academic rigour and reflect the latest educational research. They provide a strong platform for learners to progress from one stage to the next, and are well supported by teaching and learning resources.
Our mission is to provide educational benefit through provision of international programmes and qualifications for school education and to be the world leader in this field. Together with schools, we develop Cambridge learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged – equipped for success in the modern world.
Every year, nearly a million Cambridge students from 10 000 schools in 160 countries prepare for their future with the Cambridge Pathway.

IGCSE English as a Second Language is a two-year course intended for students in Grades 9 and 10 who will have the opportunity to develop their communicative ability in English as well as their understanding of the language in a range of everyday situations, including a variety of social registers and styles. By design, the course aims to develop learners’ ability to use English effectively for the purpose of practical communication; form a solid foundation for the skills required for further study or employment using English as the medium; develop learners’ awareness of the nature of language and language-learning skills, as well as promote learners’ personal development.

This is where we will do our LAL classes on Tuesday mornings.

The IGCSE First Language Spanish Course is a two-year course for students in Grades 9 and 10 whose command of the language is that of native or near native users. This course affords the students the opportunity to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for a wide range of academic and communicative purposes. Students will respond with understanding to a rich array of reading texts during the course as a whole. Candidates will use these texts to inform and inspire their own writing, and will write in a range of text types for different purposes and audiences. Candidates are encouraged to become appreciative and critical readers, writers, speakers and listeners.

IGCSE Economics course emphasize in the basic concepts needed for students to understand main economic theories. For example, in an approach to microeconomic theory, it includes themes like: the basic economic problem, resource allocation, the individual as producer, consumer and borrower, the role of a government in an economy and the private firm. On the other hand, in terms of macroeconomics and international aspects, the course provide a wide range of topics such as: economic indicators, developed and developing economies, current account of the balance of payment, exchange rates, the merits of the free trade, the merits of protection, among others. These economic theories are not to be studied in a vacuum-rather, they are to be applied to real-world issues. Prominent among these issues are fluctuations in economic activity and environmental sustainability.

Grade 9-10 Course Summary

Students will examine the factors that affect performance in sports. They will identify functions of the skeleton and their relevance to performance and participation in practical activities. Students should also study the different types of joints, the essential parts of joints, and types and ranges of movements. They should know the most important muscles groups and their role in movement and how they work.  

Grade 9-10 students should gain an understanding of what motivates people to participate in physical activities and how they prepare for exercise, understand how skills are learned.

Besides, grade 9-10 students will analyze Healthy Eating, Growth and Development, and Personal Safety and Injury Prevention.

When studying the Cambridge IGCSE Music syllabus, learners listen to, perform and compose music, encouraging aesthetic and emotional development, self-discipline and, importantly, creativity. As a result, learners enhance their appreciation and enjoyment of music, an achievement that forms an ideal foundation for future study and enhances lifelong musical enjoyment. Learners study music of all styles; each style is placed in its historical and cultural context, and learners are encouraged to be perceptive, sensitive and critical when listening.

This course provide all you need to prepare for your Cambridge IGCSE in French qualification. It also teaches you about the way of life of the people in the French-speaking world and about the language they speak.

Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design encourages a range of skills, stimulates aesthetic awareness, knowledge and critical understanding of art, and provides opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills. Crucially, a personal and independent perspective is encouraged at all times. The syllabus is designed to accommodate a wide range of abilities, materials and resources, and allows the different skills of the teaching staff to be fully used. The syllabus appeals to learners who wish to explore practical work through a range of two- and/or three-dimensional processes and include new media and technologies in addition to traditional media and processes.
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language offers learners the opportunity to gain life-long learning skills and knowledge including:•better communicative ability in English•improved ability to understand English in a range of everyday situations and in a variety of social registers and styles•greater awareness of the nature of language and language-learning skills•wider international perspective.Our programmes balance a thorough knowledge and understanding of a subject and help to develop the skills learners need for their next steps in education or employment.

This course provide all you need to prepare for your Cambridge IGCSE in French qualification. It also teaches you about the way of life of the people in the French-speaking world and about the language they speak.

This course covers a variety of topics  varying from numerical operations and properties, algebraic manipulation and handling data based on statistical correlations, recognizing patterns and structures and use special relationships.  You will learn to interpret mathematical results and understand their significance.

It also aims to develop methods of problem solving supported by both analytical and graphical techniques. To that end, an essential tool is a GDC - graphical devise-  for which the TI-84+ graphical calculator is recommended.

This course covers a variety of topics  varying from numerical operations and properties, algebraic manipulation and handling data based on statistical correlations, recognizing patterns and structures and use special relationships.  You will learn to interpret mathematical results and understand their significance.

It also aims to develop methods of problem solving supported by both analytical and graphical techniques. To that end, an essential tool is a GDC - graphical devise-  for which the TI-84+ graphical calculator is recommended.

Welcome to your IGCSE World Literature course. Here, you will learn, share, appreciate and enjoy! Your talents and creativity are invited and highly appreciated! The idea is to enjoy literature from different parts of the world and different periods of time, while we work toward the development of literary analysis and academic writing skills.

Course Description

Grade 10 P.E is a balanced course that has been designed to improve students’ performance and knowledge of rules, game strategies, movement concepts and principles of physical activity. This course also fosters the development of positive attitudes, active participation, problem-solving and lifelong skills.  The units of work are: health and fitness, athletics, soccer, sports (games) and swimming. The lessons are divided into two sessions:

Session 1: Theoretical content (15 minutes)

Session 2: Practical activity (45 minutes)

Students will be assessed through their participation in both, the theoretical and practical sessions in every lesson. They will also be assessed through the unit tests and The Physical Skill Test at the end of every term.

Course Objectives

Grade 10 P.E students will: 

·         Demonstrate personal competence in applying movement skills and principles;

·         Demonstrate knowledge of guidelines and strategies that enhance participation in sport activities.

·         Participate regularly in a balanced instructional program that includes a wide variety of enjoyable  physical activities that encourage lifelong participation;

·         Demonstrate safe practices regarding the safety of themselves and others.

·         Identify the factors that contribute to positive relationships with others;


Each secondary student at ISH takes part in an Advisory class that meets for one period each week. Advisories help to create a more personalized learning environment where all students are well known by at least one adult. Advisory's purpose is to develop a sense of community through a program that:

 a) endorses the enhancement of emotional wellbeing,

b) recognizes and values the development of resilient young people who feel a sense of belonging and connectedness, and

c) promotes a sense of meaning and purpose in life.

Advisory periods are not meant for students to complete their schoolwork. Sometimes advisory periods are used for activities such as assemblies or guest speakers.

IGCSE English as a Second Language is a two-year course intended for students in Grades 9 and 10 who will have the opportunity to develop their communicative ability in English as well as their understanding of English in a range of everyday situations, including a variety of social registers and styles. By design, the course aims to develop learners’ ability to use English effectively for the purpose of practical communication; form a solid foundation for the skills required for further study or employment using English as the medium; develop learners’ awareness of the nature of language and language-learning skills, as well as promote learners’ personal development.

IGCSE 0500 First Language English: all about skills development 

This course is intended for the second year of the IGCSE spanish Foreign Language students. In this course you will develop the four skills in the language and you will get ready to pass the internationalexamination.

Through practical and theoretical study, learners develop an understanding and enjoyment of drama, developing group and individual skills and studying ways to communicate ideas and feelings to an audience. They learn how to discover performance possibilities of a text and other stimuli, and devise dramatic material of their own. Learners also develop their performance skills, the demonstration of which will form part of their final assessment.

Candidates work with:

-       Extracts from published plays

-       Stimuli (short titles, poems, pictures, songs, historical events, stories…) for devising dramatic pieces)

-       Their own choice of dramatic repertoire

Dramatic material of their own devising. Learners develop their individual and group performance skills, the demonstration of which forms part of the final assessment.

Economics is essentially about dealing with scarcity and the problem of resource allocation affecting individuals, firms and markets, countries, governments and societies. Although it involves the formulation of theory, it’s not a purely theoretical subject basically because economic theories can be applied to real-world. It does not exist in a vacuum, because it naturally must consider how economic theory is to be applied in an international context.

This is your end of year History examination.

The topic is: Who Started the Cold War?

The examination has 2 parts:

1. A choice of 2 "why" questions (similar to the 6 point IGCSE Paper 1 questions) from 4 options.

2. You will write a dramatic dialogue between 2 individuals who hold differing opinions about who was responsible for starting the Cold War.

You are permitted use any resources available to you (with the exception of colluding with your classmates). Be aware that your responses will be submitted to an online plagiarism check, so ensure that this is your own work and any quotations are properly cited.

When studying the Cambridge IGCSE Music syllabus, learners listen to, perform and compose music, encouraging aesthetic and emotional development, self –discipline and, importantly, creativity. As a result, learners enhance their appreciation and enjoyment of music, an achievement that forms an ideal foundation for future study and enhances lifelong musical enjoyment.

Learners study music of all stiles, each style is placed in its historical and cultural content, and learners are encouraged to be perceptive, sensitive and critical when listening. Although the majority of the syllabus examines Western European music, the music of other cultures is always represented.

Cambridge IGCSE Literature (Spanish) offers learners the opportunity to read, interpret, evaluate and respond to a range of literature in Spanish. The range includes drama, prose and poetry from different periods and cultures. This course enables learners to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the ways in which writers use Spanish to express meaning and achieve effects. Learners are stimulated to read for pleasure, to explore wider and universal issues, promoting a better understanding of themselves and the world.

Grade 10 IGCSE P.E course description

In the second year of IGCSE P.E, the grade 10 students will:

  •  apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical principles to a routine of exercises while being at home,  including the analysis and evaluation of performance 
  • demonstrate the ability to select and perform appropriate skills to produce effective performance in the practical activities
  • Demonstrate knowledge related to Health, fitness and training
  • Analyze skill acquisition and psychology

Grade 10 Course Summary

Students will examine the factors that affect performance in sports. They will identify functions of the skeleton and its relevance to performance and participation in practical activities. Students should also study the different types of joints, the essential parts of joints and types and ranges of movements. They should also know the most important muscles groups and their role in movement and how they work.  Also, students should gain an understanding of what motivates people to participate in physical activities and how they prepare for exercise, understand how skills are learned, recognize that certain physiques equip people better for certain activities as well as avoiding the temptation of drugs that have detrimental effects on health and performance.

 Students will apply the principles of movement while refining movement skills. They will also demonstrate safe practices regarding the safety of themselves and others and identify the factors that contribute to positive relationships with others. Besides, grade 10 students will analyze Healthy Eating, Growth and Development, and Personal Safety and Injury Prevention.

Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design encourages a range of skills, stimulates aesthetic awareness, knowledge and critical understanding of art, and provides opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills. Crucially, a personal and independent perspective is encouraged at all times. The syllabus is designed to accommodate a wide range of abilities, materials and resources, and allows the different skills of the teaching staff to be fully used.

The syllabus appeals to learners who wish to explore practical work through a range of two- and/or three-dimensional processes and include new media and technologies in addition to traditional media and processes.

Successful Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies learners will be able to understand different forms of business organisations, the environments in which businesses operate and business functions such as marketing, operations, and finance; and appreciate the role of people in business success.
They will also gain lifelong skills, including the ability to calculate and interpret business data, communication skills needed to support arguments with reasons and the ability to analyse business situations and reach decisions or judgements.

Course Description

 Grade 11 P.E is a two-year course that combines the theoretical and practical aspects of Physical Education. This course has been designed not only to foster the general physical development but also, the enjoyment of physical activity. The knowledge the students will gain will enable them to develop passion for physical activities and a life lasting love for it.

The P.E lessons will be divided into two sessions:

Session 1: Theoretical content (15 minutes)

Session 2: Practical activity (30 minutes)

Students will be assessed through their active participation in both, the theoretical and practical sessions in every lesson. They will also be assessed in the practical part through the Physical Skill Test at the end of every term.  and in the theoretical part by designing, implementing and evaluating a Personal Health and Fitness Plan which is a final assessment.

Course Objectives

Grade 11 P.E students will: 
• demonstrate an
understanding and appreciation of the benefit of physical activity and sport for health, fitness and well-being

• develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of different forms of physical activity

use and apply this knowledge and understanding to improve their performance

demonstrate the ability to select and perform appropriate skills to produce effective performance

•design, implement and evaluate a personal health and fitness plan


This course is aimed at ISH Grade 11 students who are doing the IBO Physics course at a Standard and Higher Levels. It covers three units of the IBO program for Physics (starting from 2025). Here students can find different resources that will help them in completing the syllabus content.

Economics is an exciting, dynamic subject that allows students to develop an understanding of the complexities and interdependence of economic activities in a rapidly changing world.

At the heart of economic theory is the problem of scarcity. While the world’s population has unlimited needs and wants, there are limited resources to satisfy these needs and wants. As a result of this scarcity, choices have to be made. The economics course, at both SL and HL, uses economic theories to examine the ways in which these choices are made:

• at the level of producers and consumers in individual markets (microeconomics)

• at the level of the government and the national economy (macroeconomics)

• at an international level where countries are becoming increasingly interdependent through international trade and the movement of labour and capital (the global economy).

The choices made by economic agents (consumers, producers and governments) generate positive and negative outcomes and these outcomes affect the relative well-being of individuals and societies. As a social science, economics examines these choices through the use of models and theories. The Diploma Programme (DP) economics course allows students to explore these models and theories, and apply them, using empirical data, through the examination of the following six real-world issues which are posed as economic questions:

• How do consumers and producers make choices in trying to meet their economic objectives?

• When are markets unable to satisfy important economic objectives—and does government intervention help?

• Why does economic activity vary over time and why does this matter?

• How do governments manage their economy and how effective are their policies?

• Who are the winners and losers of the integration of the world’s economies?

• Why is economic development uneven?


Creativity, activity, service (CAS) is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the Diploma Programme (DP).

Studied throughout the Diploma Programme, CAS involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies.

ESS is a complex course, requiring a diverse set of skills from its students. It is firmly grounded in both a scientific exploration of environmental systems in their structure and function and in the exploration of cultural, economic, ethical, political, and social interactions of societies with the environment. As a result of studying this course, students will become equipped with the ability to recognize and evaluate the impact of our complex system of societies on the natural world. The interdisciplinary nature of the course requires a broad skill set from students and includes the ability to perform research and investigations and to participate in philosophical discussion. The course requires a systems approach to environmental understanding and problem solving, and promotes holistic thinking about environmental issues. It is recognized that to understand the environmental issues of the 21st century and suggest suitable management solutions, both the human and environmental aspects must be understood. Students should be encouraged to develop solutions from a personal to a community and to a global scale.

Through the exploration of cause and effect, the course investigates how values interact with choices and actions, resulting in a range of environmental impacts. Students develop an understanding that the connections between environmental systems and societies are diverse, varied and dynamic. The complexity of these interactions challenges those working towards understanding the actions required for effective guardianship of the planet and sustainable and equitable use of shared resources.

Creativity, activity, service (CAS) is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the Diploma Programme (DP).

Studied throughout the Diploma Programme, CAS involves you as students in a range of activities alongside your academic studies.

This course is aimed at ISH Grade 11 students who are doing the IBO Physics course at a Standard Level. It covers 5 units of the IBO program for Physics (starting from 2016). Here students can find different resources that will help them in completing the following topics:  Measurements and errors, Mechanics, Circular Motion, Thermal Physics and Waves

Welcome to CAS in Grade 11, her we will share ideas and plans for the continuation of CAS

Available at both higher and standard levels, the language B courses are designed for students with some previous experience of learning the target language.

      The focus of these courses is on language acquisition and the development of skills considerably beyond those expected of an ab initio candidate, up to a fairly sophisticated degree at higher level.

      Language B courses give students the opportunity to reach a high degree of competence in a language and explore the culture(s) using the language. The range of purposes and situations for which and in which the language is used extends well beyond those at ab initio, to conceptual understandings related to   Identities, experiences,  Human Ingenuity, social organization and sharing the planet. The types of language needed for these purposes and situations are more refined.

Mathematics: applications and interpretation is for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and solving practical problems. They will also be interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models. Students who take Mathematics: applications and interpretation will be those who enjoy mathematics best when seen in a practical context.

Students who wish to take Mathematics: applications and interpretation at higher level will have good algebraic skills and experience of solving real-world problems. They will be students who get pleasure and satisfaction when exploring challenging problems and who are comfortable to undertake this exploration using technology.

English A: Language and Literature aims at studying the complex and dynamic nature of language and exploring both its practical and aesthetic dimensions. The course will explore the crucial role language plays in communication, reflecting experience and shaping the world, and the roles of individuals themselves as producers of language. Throughout the course, students will explore the various ways in which language choices, text types, literary forms and contextual elements all effect meaning.

Through close analysis of various text types and literary forms, students will consider their own interpretations, as well as the critical perspectives of others, to explore how such positions are shaped by cultural belief systems and to negotiate meanings for texts. The aims of studies in language and literature courses are to enable students to:

·       engage with a range of texts, in a variety of media and forms, from different periods, styles and cultures

·       develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, presenting and performing

·       develop skills in interpretation, analysis and evaluation

·       develop sensitivity to the formal and aesthetic qualities of texts and an appreciation of how they contribute to diverse responses and open up multiple meanings

·       develop an understanding of relationships between texts and a variety of perspectives, cultural contexts, and local and global issues, and an appreciation of how they contribute to diverse responses and open up multiple meanings

·       develop an understanding of the relationships between studies in language and literature and other disciplines

·       communicate and collaborate in a confident and creative way

·       foster a lifelong interest in and enjoyment of language and literature.

The IB Diploma Programme visual arts course encourages students to challenge their own creative and cultural expectations and boundaries. It is a thought-provoking course in which students develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent thinking, while working towards technical proficiency and confidence as art-makers. In addition to exploring and comparing visual arts from different perspectives and in different contexts, students are expected to engage in, experiment with and critically reflect upon a wide range of contemporary practices and media. The course is designed for students who want to go on to study visual arts in higher education as well as for those who are seeking lifelong enrichment through visual arts.

Welcome to the IB Chemistry course, the work here will be designed to help you progress through the course at the regular pace. 

Good Luck

Name of teacher & date

Ms. Mariela B.

Tuesday March 17th, 2020

Subject & Focus areas

Spanish Foreign Language Ab Initio G11


Success criteria

I can write about Spanish speaking countries end of year traditions.

Due date and/or time allocation

Due Friday March 20th

1 hour allocation



Viajaste a un país hispano y te quedaste allí desde diciembre hasta enero (fin de año). Quieres compartir con otros jóvenes lo que aprendiste sobre sus costumbre y tradiciones en esa época del año. Escoge un tipo de texto apropiado para eso y escribe entre 70-150 palabras.


Textos: blog   /   diario   /   articulo   /   carta

The language A: literature aims at exploring the various manifesta­tions of literature as a particularly powerful mode of writing across cultures and throughout history. The course aims at developing an understanding of factors that contribute to the production and reception of literature—the creativity of writers and readers, the nature of their interaction with their respective contexts and with literary tradition, the ways in which language can give rise to meaning and/or effect, and the performative and transformative potential of literary creation and response. Through close analysis of a range of literary texts in a number of literary forms and from different times and places, students will consider their own inter­pretations as well as the critical perspectives of others, to explore how such positions are shaped by cultural belief systems and to negotiate meanings for texts.

This course is designed to support students who study French B for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at either Higher or Standard Level. 

In this course, you will develop your academic writing skills which you will need to apply across subjects in your IB - ISHDP programme. You will also receive specific guidance for your learning journey with the IB Extended Essay. You will become familiar with the requirements and expectations of this piece of independent research that the IB has set as part of its core.

Do ask questions to clarify everything that you might want to address.

IB Environmental Systems and Societies is a trans disciplinary subject, a college-level introduction to ecology. It is science applied to ideas presented in geography, economics, and TOK. We’ll look at the ways different people around the world perceive and respond to various environmental issues, and we’ll dig deeper into their experiences and motivations for taking action (or not taking action).

ESS covers eight major topics: foundations of the course and its major ideas, ecosystem structure and function, biodiversity, water resources, soil systems and food production, atmospheric science, climate change and energy production, and the interaction between human populations and resource use.

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